Dr Eswari Vilayur


Dr Vilayur is a Senior Staff Specialist and Transplant Physician at John Hunter Hospital. She also is a conjoint Lecturer at the School of Medicine  & Public Health at the University of Newcastle.

She completed her MBBS from Chennai in India and this experience was paramount in building the foundations for her rewarding medical career. She migrated to Australia in 1999 and after successfully completing the Australian Medical Council examinations in 2001,  joined the medical workforce in Hunter New England Health in 2002. 

Dr Vilayur trained in Nephrology and Transplant medicine at both John Hunter Hospital (JHH) and Westmead Hospital and was awarded the Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2009.  She also holds a Masters in Clinical Epidemiology from the University of Newcastle.

Dr Vilayur's keen interest in research has allowed her to contribute towards many international studies through the  Nephrology department at JHH. As a faculty of the University of Newcastle, she has been actively involved in the education of medical students. Her  passionate care of pregnant women with hypertension and kidney disease has allowed her to establish a high-risk pregnancy clinic in John Hunter Hospital.

Dr  Vilayur is widely experienced in treating patients with a wide variety of chronic renal diseases including diabetic kidney disease and glomerulonephritis. She has expertise in the care of renal transplant patients and also patients with refractory hypertension.

Consulting Hours

Wednesday 1.00 PM - 5.00 PM